The amazing 92-word email that converts the un-converted prospects on your email list


I started sending out this 92-word email to people on my email list who said “no” to my offer… and all of a sudden, they started to buy. I started using it every single month, and it kept on working. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, so I gave it to a few of my friends and they started making sales with it, too. Then, I tested it out with some of my clients at my agency, and it kept on working on their lists with their products.

I wrote it out for you. All you have to do is “copy and paste” it into your email software, send it out, and watch sales roll in. It’ll take 60 seconds (tops). Plus, it helps improve your deliverability & engagement. You can even add it to some of your automated sequences and it’ll convert more sales for you, around the clock (even while you sleep).

It’s 100% free. Enter your email below, test out this magical 92-word email, and get ready for a rush of purchase notifications.

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